ABMTRR database accrual

What does the ABMTRR do?

The Australasian Bone Marrow Transplant Recipient Registry (ABMTRR) was established in 1992. Operating under the auspices of Australia and New Zealand Transplant and Cellular Therapies (ANZTCT), it records details of bone marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood stem cell transplants throughout Australia and New Zealand. Other cellular therapies such as CAR-T are also included in the registry.

As well as an Annual Data Summary, the ABMTRR provides data for research projects and ad hoc requests from clinicians, researchers and government officials. The information may be used for publications in peer reviewed journals, presented at conferences (both local and international) and used by hospital and government departments for planning purposes.

The ABMTRR gratefully acknowledges the funding received from all Australian Governments for the operation of the registry.